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CopTrax combines video with AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locator) for in-car laptops and also runs a range of smartphones that can either be mounted in vehicles or used by officers on foot patrols or when outside of their vehicles.

CopTrax for laptops and netbooks
Designed for in-car mobile data computers CopTrax provides the following functionality

  • Dual Video and Auto Channels
  • AVL with live Video streaming (requires Internet connectivity)
  • GPS synchronized Video recording
  • Automatic recording via speed triggers
  • Video Playback with mapping / tracking
  • Command and Control Dashboard for tracking & playback

CopTrax Command and Control / Case Management
The CopTrax Command and Control Dashboard and Case Management System includes the following features

  • Displays the location of all devices (MDTs and Smartphones)
  • Video search and export
  • Video playback with synchronized tracking data
  • Event Reconstruction and playback of GPS tracking data
  • Geofenced areas and proximity alerts
  • Video retention policies with overrides for cases / incident reports
  • Attach documents to cases / incident reports
  • Plus much more...

CopTrax Cloud Server
The CopTrax server can either be installed in your own data center, hosted by IncaX or deployed to Microsoft Azure.


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